Monday, September 22, 2008

Random Wish

I think that my only wish for you is peace.
Peace to leave the chains that hold you so you can be free.
But deep in my shameful heart, I know that is not my only wish.
I wish things were different.
I wish I didn't want to turn my heart away from God
When people say that this is His will.
Where is home? Where do you belong?
I look at your discomfort, labored breathing,
The slow decay of dignity.
If this is home, maybe it's time to show yourself out.
But I can not help but remember your old home,
Where you lived as father, son, friend, brother, husband.
And maybe my only wish is that you still lived there.


Shelly said...

ack, the tears!
i wish i had happy cheerful sunshine filled answers for you. sometimes faith, and love and God's plan leave us with more questions than answers.