Friday, February 8, 2008

Dear God, I hope you got the letter and I pray you can make it better down here...

Dear God,

It's me again. You may remember I wrote to you a few months back (see the Dec. 10th entry), and had a few things to ask you for help with. My letter was a little wordy, though, so I wanted to check in with you again, just to go over a few things. You know. To make sure you didn't miss anything.

Things are a little rough down here for some of us, but before I bring all of that to you, I do want to thank you for a few things first. Thank you for getting my cousin Meri through her surgery yesterday, and give her the strength to stay healthy and follow all of her doctors orders. There's a long road ahead for her and she will need You there with her.

Thank you for getting my father through his surgery to place the radiation seeds that will help him beat his cancer. I know they are in there, raidiating away, and thanks to good care and what I can only assume was a little extra divine intervention, they did not slip or come out, and soon enough, we will know if my dad has jumped over this latest hurdle.

Thank you for Pete, who puts up with all of my shit, who has seen me at my worst and been there for the best and sees all of me and still loves me. Thank you for someone who not only can hold on to me when I am trying to float away, but makes staying on the ground all the more worthwhile. Thank you so much for someone so brave, so friendly, so funny and so understanding. Even if he does come with the wedding! :-)

Thank you for all of the little things that give me a small moment of comfort, like hearing a great song on the radio or putting on my Uggs. If you insist on giving me insomnia, thank You for Conan O'Brian! Sometimes, I think it's the little things that get you through life.

But, now to the point. Please, please watch over Greg as he moves into this new phase of his illness. Watch over him on Monday, be there with him through his surgery, and also be there with his doctors and nurses. Remove the discomfort and fear from him, and help him be healthy again, not just for him, but for Shelly and their girls. We are all so patiently waiting to know that he will be okay, and hope that You can lead him in that direction soon. PLEASE.

Watch over my Carmen as she moves into a new phase in her own life. Make her brave enough to know how amazing she is, and how loved she is, and how deserving of love that she is. I've only known her a fairly short time but she has shown how invaluable she is to me, and I know that there are people out there who are supposed to know how bright her light shines, she just hasn't been ready to flip the switch on.

You have given me so many amazing people in my life, people whom I love so much and I am so, so lucky to have love me back. I don't know what the hell I did to deserve them, and maybe that's the problem. But these are the people who make my whole life worth living, and because they are such a precious gift to me, I want then to only know the best life has to offer and only suffer the pain that will, in the end, make them stronger people. I'm not sure if that is selfless or selfish, but either way, these are GOOD people that I know darn well You love so much. So let's just cut them all a break, eh?

It's time to go to bed down here on earth. But I guess You know that. Please take into consideration what is on my heart and watch over Greg, Carmen, Meri, and anyone in the world who needs to hold your hand, no matter what faith they might use as a microphone to talk to you.

I remain yours, with my love and thanks,