Friday, January 9, 2009

True Love Is This....

All of cliches say that there is only one true love,
but can this really be exact?
In the course of a life you meet so many
and if you are among the lucky few
you will experience true love in so many forms.
The truth about true love is this:
True love is laughing with your sister and crying with your best friend.
It's huddling under the covers on a dark, rainy night with the one you pledged vows with
warm and safe in the cocoon of your joy
or hiding from the sadness of the world.
True love in the light weight of your child in your arms.
True love is felt in the ecstasy of finding your companion
and somehow also felt in the stinging stab of loss.
The reality is this- the blessed do not know only one true love
and instead, know the truth about love.


Ree said...

This is BEAUTIFUL and oh so true!!